Program «Paintings by numbers» Creates paintings by numbers from any photos and images

Box with program Paintings by numbers

March Promotion!

Home version 75 $ 29 $

Professional version300 $ 119 $

Commercial version750 $ 299 $

Discount time:
d. hr. min. sec.
Do you want to create pictures by
from ANY of your photos with
the program "Paintings By Numbers"?

You consent to the processing of your e-mail by legal means WITHOUT disclosure to third parties) and to receive information from us by email
  • And if you do not like the program? Just write to us and we will refund
    the same day

  • Help and advice by e-mail and through a
    consultant on the site

  • Get the program on this site directly from the hands of its author -Andrey Zvezintsev!



  • 1

    Upload photos to the program

  • 2

    Specify parameters
    of painting (size, number of colors,
    what colors to choose)

  • 3

    At the output, the program gives a complete picture
    by numbers: map with contours, needed paints
    (and even approximate proportions of their mixing)!

  • 4

    Buy the right paints and get to work!

CHOOSE YOUR PROGRAM VERSION: Versions of the program differ in the level of capabilities.

  • Home
    75 $/year
    29 $/year



    • Creation of full-fledged paintings by numbers for any photo (320 colors from 3 manufacturers are entered in the program; the maximum number of colors in a picture is 180 );
    • Complete settings:
      • - picture size (up to 120x120cm)
      • - the number of colors in the picture
      • - used paints
      • - degree of detail of the picture
      • - the ability to add your own paints - up to 12 pcs.
    • Saving and printing a painting

    Order a home version

  • Professional
    300 $/year
    119 $/year



    • All the features of the "Home" version
    • +
    • Additional features:
      • - High quality contours (higher than in the "Home" version) + their settings
      • - The program will indicate the area shaded by each color and the desired amount of paint of each color
      • - An opportunity to bring in the paints - to 80 pieces. (more - on special conditions)
      • - Ability to set minimal changes to the original photo
    • Preprocessing the original photo:
      • - crop, flip, rotate
      • - adjust brightness and contrast
      • - translation to sepia and b/w
    Order prof. version
  • Commercial
    750 $/year
    299 $/year



    • All the features of the "Professional" version
    • +
    • Additional features:
      • - Full manual rendering of paintings using the 'pencil' and 'brush'
      • - Replacing the colors in the picture
      • - Adding new colors or deleting existing ones
      • - Illumination of a specific color in the picture
      • - Create paintings of any size
      • - Saving and loading for revision of previously created paintings by numbers
    • Legal right to use the program for commercial purposes ;
    • You will receive a "Commercial Use Agreement" in your name, certified by the seal of our company "HobbyLine";
    • 5 licenses to run on 5 computers;
    Order Commerce. version

Want to add your personal colors (palette) to the program?

No problem! Email us at , and we will tell you what you need for do it!

There are no analogues to the "Paintings by numbers" program! Its important features:

  • Selection of paintings for paints produced by the Neva Palette, Tahir and Olki (a total of 320 paints from these manufacturers are included in the program!) You can choose under which manufacturer and what type of paints (acrylic or gouache) to create a picture - and the program in the color map will show you the specific names of the paints you need (and even their volume in the "Professional" version!). You buy paints in the store, and on the same day - for drawing!

  • The program is able to select approximate mixing proportions for shades! Turn this setting on - and the program will not only create a picture for a specific set of colors, but also will indicate the approximate proportions of mixing colors to get the missing shades! (and in the "Professional" version it will also indicate the approximate mixing volume - in ml.)

  • The ability to adjust the level of complexity of the pictures - from the same photo, depending on the selected settings, you can create a simple and pretty picture, or a complex, but very beautiful, real picture.

  • Ability to manually paint pictures - in the "Commercial" version there is full functionality for painting or changing pictures, if you need it.

  • Preprocessing the original image (in the professional and commercial versions) - improving brightness and contrast, cropping to the desired size, rotation and reflection, converting to sepia and black and white shades

  • Installation of the program is carried out with one click - very simple and without user intervention. Work with the program is built in the same way - simple and convenient. Even a person who is with the computer "at you" can easily figure it out.

  • The program is automatically updated from the Internet - so that the latest version of the 'Paintings by numbers' program will always be installed on your computer!

Want the PRogram?


  • 1. You place an order on the site
    (you need to enter your e-mail and
    click the "Download" button)

  • 2. You get to the order page,
    where you choose convenient for you
    payment method

  • 3. Make payment
    (via automated
    service payments)

  • 6. Create a painting
    to your joy!

  • 5. Install the
    program (in one click!)

  • 4. Within 2-3 minutes automatically
    receive a letter by e-mail
    with activated program

Frequently asked questions:

How to download the program? How to make an order?
Is it possible to purchase a home version and then pay extra to a higher one?
Can I install the program on a second computer?
When will I receive the program after payment?
What is the difference between program versions?
Where to buy a disk with the program?
How to buy a program from another country? What price?
Does the program work on Mac or Android?
How long is the program purchased? What happened next?
Can I buy an installment plan?
Can I use the one-time program to create a pair of paintings (without buying for a year)?

For business representatives:

'Paintings by numbers' version for makers of paintings by numbers !
Any improvements to our custom programs
Custom software
Your advertisement with us


We are a small company "Hobby Line", created by programmer Andrey Zvezintsev.

We are in the city of Astrakhan. We have a small but very comfortable office in the IT park:

  • Building with our office
    (we are on the 4th floor on the other side)

  • We have a sofa!

  • And the horizontal bar
    with darts! :-)

We really love working in our office
and often sit up until night make you feel comfortable
work with our programs.

our team

  • Zvezintcev Andrei

    Andrey Zvezintsev - the author of the program "Paintings by numbers". 8 years professional in software development. He developed a variety of systems - from scientific medical programs to terminal sales networks.

  • Anatoly Gulyaev

    Anatoly Gulyaev - Chief Account Manager! Specialist to help our customers. It is Anatoly who communicates with you by phone and e-mail, answers all questions and helps to resolve all problems.

  • Mukovnikova Alyona

    Mukovnikova Alyona - skilled needlewoman and our faithful consultant on the development of the program "Paintings by numbers". Alena tests the program, suggests new ideas for revision and makes sure that the program is simple and convenient.

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